Sunday, September 4, 2011

Class 3 Week 10

Hey so its another week down! Its crazy to think that in about 2 more weeks I'll be HALFWAY done with Animation Mentor. :/ Its sad too. But this week I continued to flesh out my new bull shot. We had a sub this week because Pete was caught up in Hurricane Irene. Greg Kyle was our substitute this week for both our critiques and our Q&A. He's currently an animation supervisor at Laika Studios who is responsible for the movie Caroline. Greg personally has graduated from Sheridan and worked at ILM for a while on a few movies before going to Laika. In our Q&A we got to talk to some of the interns there at Laika, who were also all Animation Mentor graduates!

Well this isn't the final version of my assignment. We have an extra week for polish this time. So next week you'll see my final shot, but this is how its coming along so far. ;)

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